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Vetus Altus Hatch Specifications

Vetus Altus Hatch Specifications

Note: Select your prefered part number to be redirected to the product.

Escape Hatches (model 1)

Part No. External Dimensions A X B Cut-out Dimensions C X D Model Number of handles
in. mm. in. mm.
ALT6363SL 27 5/8 x 27 5/8 701 x 701 24 11/16 x 24 11/16 627 x 627 1 2
ALT5151SL 23 1/16 x 23 1/16 581 x 581 19 15/16 x 19 15/16 507 x 507 1 2
ALT4747SL 21 7/16 x 21 7/16 544 x 544 18 1/2 x 18 1/2 470 x 470 1 2
ALTD520SL 23 5/16 x 20 5/8 592 x 524 20 3/8 x 17 11/16 518 x 450 2 2
ALTR529SL 23 5/16 592 20 3/8 518 3 2

Deck Hatches (model 2)

Part No. External Dimensions A X B Cut-out Dimensions C X D Model Number of handles
in. mm. in. mm.
ALT4242SL 19 1/2 x 19 1/2 495 x 495 16 9/16 x 16 9/16 421 x 421 1 2
ALT5038SL 22 14/16 x 17 3/7 581 x 451 9 15/16 x 14 13/16 507 x 377 1 2
ALT4633SL 20 14/16 x 15 13/16 531 x 401 18 x 12 7/8 457 x 327 1 2
ALTR420SL 19 5/16 491 16 7/16 417 3 2

Ventilation Hatches (model 3)

Part No. External Dimensions A X B Cut-out Dimensions C X D Model Number of handles
in. mm. in. mm.
ALT2626SL 13 1/8 x 13 1/8 334 x 334 10 1/4 x 10 1/4 260 x 260 1 2
ALTD420SL 19 5/16 x 12 13/16 491 x 326 16 7/16 x 9 15/16 417 x 252 1 2
ALA3502SL 16 9/16 x 10 7/8 421 x 276 13 11/16 x 7 15/16 347 x 202 1 2

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