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Calypso Instruments NMEA Gateway - NMEA Connect Plus (W2000)

SKU: CALCMI1016c  |  Manuf. Code: CMI1016c
List Price:  393.00 EUR
€295,95 EUR


The NMEA Connect Plus connects any of our products to an NMEA 2000 or NMEA 0183 network. It also relays the signal as wifi and bluetooth, allowing easy connection with multiple apps and PC based software. It also allows several users to get wind data from the same wind meter via bluetooth.

The NMEA Connect Plus family comprises the following models:

  • NCP BT 0183: Connects your Bluetooth ULTRASONIC PORTABLE wind meter data to NMEA 0183 network. Allows the connection of 2 Bluetooth devices at the same time.
  • NCP BT 2000: Connects your Bluetooth ULTRASONIC PORTABLE wind meter data to NMEA 2000 network. Allows the connection of 2 Bluetooth devices at the same time.
  • NCP_ W2000: Connects your Ultra-Low Power ULTRASONIC wind data to NMEA 2000 network. Allows the connection of 2 Bluetooth devices at the same time
  • NCP_ HighEnd: Receives wind data from any ULTRASONIC wind meter within Calypso's range of products. Converts NMEA 0183 wind sentences and/or Bluetooth signal into NMEA 0183 network and Bluetooth. It can also be used as range-extender using it as a Bluetooth-repeater

Our Part # CALCMI1016c | Calypso Part # CMI1016c

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Technical Information

MaterialPolicarbonate 94V-2Policarbonate 94V-2
Width4 3/16 in.107.00 mm.
Lenght 4 1/2 in.115.00 mm.
Height1 3/8 in.35.00 mm.
Weight3.53 oz.100.00 g.
Supply Voltage9.00 V-24.00 V9.00 V-24.00 V
FirmwareUpgradable via USBUpgradable via USB
ConnectionsCAN-BUS port (NMEA 2000), 2xRS-485 port (NMEA 0183), USB port ( for power and firmware upgrade), WifiCAN-BUS port (NMEA 2000), 2xRS-485 port (NMEA 0183), USB port ( for power and firmware upgrade), Wifi
ProtocolsNMEA0183 (RS485), NMEA2000 (CANBUS)NMEA0183 (RS485), NMEA2000 (CANBUS)
