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Tips to Service Selden Furlex Jib Furler in less than 5 minutes

Tips to Service Selden Furlex Jib Furler in less than 5 minutes

Even if the Furlex is rigged in the boat, maintenance is pretty simple, and you can do it all by yourself. Our sailing experts recollect easy tips to prevent the difficulty from unfurling the headsail. To keep your Selden Furlex in optimum conditions, you should at least follow these single steps once a year or perhaps when the boat is unrigged at the end of each season.


Lubricate the halyard swivel


There are tiny grooves on 'E' and 'F' where the solid, water-resistant lubricating grease will reach the top and bottom bearings of the halyard swivel. Remember that you don't need to apply that much, but necessary.

You will need to put the lubricating grease on an angle (as shown below) to make sure it will enter the bearings, which is the important part of the halyard swivel.


Lubricate the lower bearing assembly


To lubricate the lower bearing assembly, you will need to take out the drum. It is not a complex process, but make sure to check the 'Dismantling' section in the manual of your Furlex type.

Selden recommends first rinsing the system with fresh water for best results and allowing it to dry. Then, remove the plastic screw 'A' and finally press grease in slots' A,' 'B,' 'C,' and 'D,' last one between the terminal part and the hub, while turning the terminal parts.

For the 'B' hole, the grease must be on the top of the inner ring there because if you press down, you will press grease under the bearings instead of lubricating them by complete. Additionally, for the 'C' hole, remember to push in the grease in a downward way. Then you press underneath and into the bearings, instead of packing it over the bearings, the same process from the lubrication of the lower bearings from the halyard swivel.

If you need further information, don't hesitate to contact our sailing experts. We will be more than happy to help you with more tips for your next sailing.

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